School Age Camps
“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.” Walt Streightiff
2024/2025 Camp Days
2-3 – Griffith Park w/ Marie
20 – Griffith Park w/ Marie & Susan
14 – Griffith Park w/ Marie & Susan
17 – Griffith Park w/ Marie
14 – JPL/Gabrielino Trail w/ Marie & Susan
14 – 18 JPL/Gabrielino Trail w/ Marie & Susan
More dates to be added
Summer Camp Begins June 9
Early Bird Registration Begins 2/1/25
Typical Day
Parents sign in and share any information we may need about their child for the day to be successful.
Around 9am we do introductions, maybe play an ice breaker game, talk about the plan for the day and sometimes read a short book.
The adventure starts at about 9:15. We make many stops to hydrate, snack, play and explore. This varies with the age, interests, and energy of the group. Some days we spend our entire day at one location and other days we visit many locations. No matter where we end up the majority of the day is spent in exploration and free play.
When our group has a distinct younger and older group we separate for the walks to our destination. This allows the older group to move a little more quickly and the younger group to take it easy and stop more often if needed.
All adventurers at Heart Rock receive a journal and pencil to write down notes, observations, and draw. There are many opportunities throughout the day for journal use.
We and each day with everyone getting a chance to share something they enjoyed and something they are looking forward to doing on future camp days.
Parents sign out and pick up 2:30 – 2:45.